Just before 11:00 a.m. on Friday morning a 37 year old Omaha man was clocked speeding on Hwy 275 by Stanton County Sheriff Mike Unger at 91 mph in the 65 mph zone several miles west of Pilger. The westbound motorcycle immediately accelerated when he observed the patrol unit turning around and began to drive at speeds of more than 100 mph on the two lane highway. A pursuit was initiated and the motorcycle continued to flee at high speeds passing multiple vehicles in No Passing Zones as it continued westbound on Hwy 275. Speeds of more than 120 miles an hour were reached as the motorcycle entered the four lane of Hwy 275. About two miles west of Spurville the Sheriff was able to pull up along the speeding motorcycle and the motorcycle quickly slammed on his brakes and began to drive towards the ditch. The motorcycle and operator were blocked on the shoulder and the motorcycle operator was taken into custody at gunpoint. He refused to cooperate or obey commands and at one point reached into a pocket and retrieved a cell phone and began recording the orders for him to comply and get on the ground. After several minutes he was physically restrained and placed in handcuffs. Jesse James Nettell now faces charges of Speeding at more than 100 miles per hour, Willful Reckless Driving, Operating a Motor Vehicle to Avoid Arrest, Resisting Arrest-third offense, and No Valid Registration. A knife was recovered from him during the arrest and Nettell also faces an Habitual Criminal charge as he has been in prison on more than two occasions for charges that include assault on a peace officer and use of weapon to commit a felony. Nettell was jailed pending the setting of a cash bond.