In Stanton County District Court a 29 year old Norfolk man was sentenced to 18 plus months in prison on charges of Possession of Methamphetamine and Refusal to Submit to a Chemical DWI test. Rigoberto Gonzalez was arrested by the Stanton County Sheriff’s office back in October 2021 following a traffic stop on Hwy 275 near Pilger where he was stopped at nearly 100 mph. Gonzalez was found to be drunk and also found in possession of methamphetamine.
Also sentenced to a felony term of two years of probation and 90 days in jail was Joshua Graf, 41, formerly of Stanton. He was convicted of Terroristic Threats and Domestic Assault following his arrest last year by the Sheriff’s office following a disturbance at a Stanton residence and an assault of an adult female.
Also appearing in District Court on a motion to move his case back to Juvenile Court was Gabriel Safty, 17, of rural Leigh. He faces multiple felony charges involving the sexual assault of an adult female at her rural residence. A hearing took place and District Judge James Kube took the motions under advisement and will rule later this month. Safty was arrested by the Sheriff’s office shortly after the incident and a vehicle pursuit that ended near West Point.