We Take All Complaints Serious, Including Anonymous Ones

On Tuesday morning December 31st, the Sheriff’s office received an anonymous letter (SEE BELOW) complaining about an unlicensed vehicle with expired In-Transits in Stanton. The complainant was wondering how they got away with this and had not been ticketed. Well, we do take this seriously, but don’t always see violations as we can’t be everywhere all the time. But rest assured we took the letter seriously, at about 8:30 p.m. on the evening of the 31st the vehicle was observed in Stanton driving and was quickly pulled over and the female owner and driver was promptly cited for failing to register her SUV and using expired In-Transits. So, with no other way to notify our anonymous source, we are letting you know we do and did our job. “But, in the future save your $$ on a stamp–you never know when the mail is going to get here! Just give us a call or stop one of us and let us know your concerns or any violations you see. We will gladly address any concerns or violations noted.” Sheriff Mike Unger

Anonymous Letter Received