Sheriff’s Office Eclipses All Time Arrest and Citations Total for a Calendar Year

On Sunday evening with the arrest of a man in Stanton for DWI, the Sheriff’s office passed the 3000 mark for citations issued and arrest in a single year. The previous record total of 2481 was reached last year. “Earlier this year I told my deputies, I didn’t think we would ever top that number, especially being down one to two deputies throughout 2024. However, they proved me wrong with their proactive work ethic that has made Stanton County a safer place. Stanton County S.O. is one of the most proactive law enforcement agencies in the entire state, especially for our size and population base. That will show in the coming weeks when the 7th Judicial District numbers are tallied for the year and the Stanton County Sheriff’s office will again be near or at the top of traffic citations and criminal arrest made in Northeast Nebraska as we were in 2023. I know that many will continue to complain about our pro-active approach, but yet those efforts have led to many criminals being taken off our streets and our highways are much safer and fortunately the reduction of fatal accidents in the county strongly proves that point. I often hear we slow down when we enter Stanton County, or you don’t drink and drive in Stanton County. Well, that’s the best compliment you can ever give us for doing a tough and thankless job!” Best Wishes to all this Christmas season!!! Sheriff Mike Unger