Adeyemi Aboyade-Cole, 24, of Lincoln was sentenced to five to seven years in prison following his conviction of Attempted Delivery of a Controlled Substance (methamphetamine/Cocaine) in Stanton County District Court. He was arrested following an investigation into the illegal drug activity near Woodland Park in northwestern Stanton County. His sentences will run consecutive to prison sentences he just received in Madison and Douglas County for drug related charges.

Kyle Kirstine, 41, Madison was sentenced to more than 2 years in the county jail following his conviction for two counts of Attempted Possession of Methamphetamine and Obstructing a Police Officer. He was arrested earlier this year on two separate occasions by the Sheriff’s office at the same Woodland Park residence following disturbance calls.

Coty Payne, 31, of Stanton was sentenced to one year in jail for Third Offense Driving While Intoxicated and another six months consecutive for Third Degree Domestic Assault. Payne was arrested earlier this year following a disturbance in Stanton that led to the hospitalization of a female who had been assaulted and he was located by the Sheriff’s office after driving away while drunk.