At approximately 11:25 a.m. the Stanton County Sheriff’s office responded to a suspicious vehicle complaint on 826th Road about six miles north of Leigh in southern Stanton County just off Hwy 57. A lone male was located inside the vehicle in a compromising situation involving sex paraphernalia. During this contact illegal drugs and contraband were observed in the plain view and the male was removed from the vehicle. During this contact the male refused to cooperate with the lone law enforcement officer and re-entered his vehicle and refused commands to exit and show his hands as he reached into the back seat. He continued to refuse to exit and placed the running vehicle into gear in an attempt to drive off. At that time, the vehicle was disabled by a gunshot from Sheriff Mike Unger to the front left tire to prevent a vehicle pursuit of an obviously impaired person. The male was again physically removed from the vehicle and placed on the ground at which time he again physically resisted and began to run towards Hwy 57 and was finally subdued. The male suspect, Jeffrey Olsufka, 37, of Wayne and Sheriff Unger were both medically cleared on scene by Leigh Fire and Rescue. Olsufka was then jailed on charges of Driving While Intoxicated-4th offense, Resisting Arrest, Possession of Controlled Substance (methamphetamine), Possession of Marijuana, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Prohibited Acts (under the influence of illegal drugs), Open Container of Alcohol Violation. Olsufka was out on bond in Stanton, Wayne and Merrick counties on drug charges. A large machete was recovered from inside the vehicle.

Jeffrey Olsufka