This morning in Stanton County District Court a 35 year old Neligh man was sentenced to 18 months in prison following his conviction for Possession of Methamphetamine. Travis Mace was arrested earlier this spring by the Stanton County Sheriff’s office following a traffic stop in Stanton. At that time, Mace resisted arrest and was physically subdued. He also received a total of 180 days in jail for Resisting Arrest and Possession of a Financial Transaction Device belonging to someone else that was stolen in Norfolk the night before. A female with Mace at the time was also arrested and is currently serving a prison sentence for a drug conviction.
Also sentenced to 18 months on probation and 90 days in jail was Kayla Ingram, 31, of Hoskins. Ingram was arrested earlier this year by the Sheriff’s office on Hwy 35 near Woodland Park for DWI and during that time she kicked a deputy. She was convicted of Attempted Assault, Refusal of a Chemical DWI test.
Entering pleas in District Court were Solomon Partee, 32, of Stanton to a charge of Domestic Assault. He faces up to a year in jail on the charge and still remains in custody. He was arrested earlier this year by the Sheriff’s office in Stanton following a disturbance at his residence. Also pleading guilty to 3rd offense DWI was Simon Cassell, 42, of Norfolk. He was arrested earlier this year on Hwy 24 near Norfolk by the Sheriff’s office.

On Monday afternoon two additional defendants entered guilty pleas to felony charges in Distrrict Court. Tanner Pinkston, 38, formerly of Stanton entered a guilty plea to Possession of Methamphetamine. Pinkston was arrested back in January in Stanton by the Sheriff’s office at his residence when he was taken into custody on an unrelated arrest warrant. Also pleading guilty was Benny Morales, 23, of Fremont pled guilty to Felony Operating a Motor Vheicle to Avoid Arrest and Wilful Reckless Driving. Morales was arrested earlier this summer by the Sheriff’s office following a high speed pursuit that started on Hwy 275 near Spurville and ended South of West Point when his vehicle was disabled by a tire deflation device. During the pursuit psilocybin mushrooms were thrown from the vehicle and recovered along with marijuana inside the vehicle. A co-defendent already pled guilty to drug related charges.
Pinkston Morales