On Friday afternoon about 1:45 p.m. the Stanton County Sheriff’s office responded to and investigated a one vehicle rollover accident on U.S. Hwy 275 about 12.5 miles East of Norfolk. The accident occurred when the westbound pickup driven by Faron Fish, 58, of Yutan lost control and entered the north ditch and rolled onto its side before coming back onto its wheels. Fish was treated on scene by Stanton EMS and was also found to be under the influence of alcohol and was arrested for aggravated DWI (Above .150%BAC.). He was later released on a cash bond with a court date next month. Fish has two older DWI convictions that cannot be held against him. A witness to the accident advised that they were just going to call 911 to report the pickup as a suspected impaired driver after observing them driving left of center, when the accident occurred.