At about 5:20 p.m. the Stanton County Sheriff’s office responded to and investigated a tractor accident on 566th Avenue about 1/4 mile North of Spurville (Hwy 275/57 Junction). The accident occurred when a southbound John Deere Tractor driven by a 64 year old Norfolk man left the roadway for unknown reasons and rolled down the deep west ditch coming to rest about twenty feet down from the roadway. The driver was extricated from the wreckage by first responders and taken directly from the scene by Life Net medical helicopter to a Sioux City, IA hospital for treatment. Stanton Fire and Rescue also responded to the scene, along with Stanton County Emergency Management. Hwy 275 traffic was blocked for about twenty minutes as the helicopter landed on the highway. The tractor suffered severe damage and restraints were not in use.