On Friday morning at about 8:30 a.m. the Stanton County Sheriff’s office had contact with a 31 year old Madison woman on Hwy 275 about six miles east of Norfolk. The female driver, Cristal Casanova appeared to be under the influence and was found to be intoxicated and also in possession of a small amount of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Casanova was then booked at the Sheriff’s office for DWI where she failed a breath test. Casanova was charged with Third or Subsequent Offense Driving While Intoxicated with a test over .150% BAC. Casanova has five prior DWI convictions in Nebraska. Casanova advised she was not even sure of her location or what highway she was on when contacted. She was jailed pending the setting of a cash bond on the felony charges. “Another example that dangerous Drunk Drivers are present at all times of the day and night and diligent enforcement led to preventing another potential tragedy from occurring and also confirms that the system is Broken.” Sheriff Mike Unger **BOND WAS SET AT $100,000.00 FOR CASANOVA**