**UPDATE** Late Monday morning the Sheriff’s office located a transient male near Pilger on foot and his identity has been positively identified and he is believed to be the person who was driving the stolen pickup. He denied any knowledge of the accident or stolen pickup and the timeline and information he did provide doesn’t add up. DNA was collected from him at the Sheriff’s office and will be compared to evidence recovered from the stolen pickup by the state crime lab. Charges are pending on those results and the Sheriff’ s office wishes to thank the vigilant eyes of citizens in the Pilger area who assisted in locating the male, who has no ties to Stanton County and is from Illinois.
At about 5:30 a.m. on Monday morning the Stanton County Sheriff’s office was notified of a one vehicle rollover accident near 838 1/2 and Hwy 15 South of Pilger. Upon arrival no one was located in or near the vehicle and the destroyed pickuo that had rolled several times off the highway was found to have been recently stolen from Kansas. The Sheriff’s office ask everyone in the area to be vigilant and report any suspicious person(s) or activity and to remove vehicle keys and secure your residences. No suspects are known according to Kansas authorities. The pickup had been northbound on Hwy 15 at high speed when it left the highway and rolled several times.