On Monday in Stanton County District Court a 40 year old woman was sentenced to 9-12 years in prison following her conviction for Possession of Methamphetamine with Intent to Deliver. Robynn Hebda of Omaha was originally arrested last October by the Stanton County Sheriff’s office on Hwy 275 east of Norfolk along with a co-defendent Tausha Whitman who is serving more than 10 years in prison following her conviction. Nearly a pound of methamphetmine and a stolen firearm were recovered during the arrest.

Also found guilty of felony charges were Joshua Graf, 41, of Stanton who entered no-contest pleas to charges of Terrroristic Threats and 3rd Degree Domestic Assault. He was arrested last year by the Sheriff’s office following a disturbance in Stanton where a female victim was injured. Graf will be sentenced in July. Also pleading guilty to Possession of Methamphetmine, Refusal of a Chemical Test (DWI) and Speeding was Rigoberto Gonzalez, 29, of Norfolk. Gonzalez was arrested earlier this year by the Sheriff’s office following a stop for speeding on Hwy 275. Gonzalez remains in custody and will be sentenced in July.