Just after 10:00 p.m. on Saturday night the Stanton County Sheriff’s office stopped a vehicle on Hwy 275 near Pilger after it was observed driving with its headlights off and the 2009 Lincoln driving erratically. The subject was stopped and appeared as if they may be under the influence and a backup unit was requested. It was at this time that the lone male driver sped off from the traffic stop at high speeds eastbound on Hwy 275 and entered Cuming County. The pursuit continued into Cuming County and through Wisner, Beemer and near West Point an attempt to stop the vehicle using deflation spikes was attempted by West Point P.D. and was unsucessful. The vehicle continued thru West Point into Dodge County and ultimately back north into Burt County on Hwy 77 and the vehicle was finally stopped nearly an hour later near Lyons on Hwy 77. Agencies involved and assisting included the Stanton County Sheriff’s Office, West Point P.D., Dodge County Sheriff’s office, Nebraska State Patrol, Burt County Sheriff and Oakland P.D. The driver Chet Wilcox, 39, of Bend, Oregon was found to be wanted on similar charges in Georgia, Oklahoma and South Carolina with a history of Resisting Arrest and Assault on Police Officers. Wilcox was being medically cleared and was going to be jailed on multiple felony charges in several counties including Operating a Motor Vehicle to Avoid Arrest, Willful Reckless Driving and Speeding at more than 100 mph. Wilcox made claims that he was a sovereign citizen and not required to submit to law enforcement.