Earlier this week the Stanton County Sheriff’s office arrested Jennifer Oswald. 41, of Beemer on charges of Burglary and Theft of a Firearm for her involvement in a break-in at a rural Pilger residence earlier this fall. Oswald was booked on the felony charges and later released on a bond. The Sheriff’s office is also actively seeking Carl R. Epley Jr., 34, for his involvement in the break-in. Epley is believed to be living somewhere between West Point and Fremont. Epley is considered to be possibly armed as firearms were stolen in the burglary and anyone with knowledge of his location or information on him is asked to contact the Sheriff’s office at (402) 439-2212. One search warrant was served following the arrest of Oswald.
Jennifer Oswald Carl Epley Jr.-Prior Arrest Photo (2015)