On Monday in Stanton County District Court the following individuals were given jail sentences by District Judge Mark Johnson. Kyler Jahnke, 22, Norfolk was sentenced to 12 months in prison for Operating a Motor Vehicle to Avoid Arrest. Jahnke was also sentenced to 6 months in prison for Attempted Possession of Methamphetamine and Two months for Willful Reckless Driving. Jahke was arrested last January 31st by the Stanton County Sheriff’s office following a high speed pursuit in and around Stanton that ended when his vehicle was forced off the roadway just North of Stanton.

Sentenced to six months in prison for Obstructing a Police Officer was Kristen Bliss, 24, of Stanton. She was a passenger in the vehicle being driven by Jahnke and was taken into custody at the same time as him. During that pursuit methamphetamine filled syringes were thrown out of the vehicle and later recovered.

Sentenced to 37 days in jail was Kyle Kirstine, 40, of Norfolk. He was sentenced for a Revocation of Probation for a Post Release Violation, following his arrest in June by the Sheriff’s office for a Protection Order Violation and felony drug charges at his mother’s Woodland Park residence.