Sheriff’s deputies Jeremy Goeken, Fred Wiebelhaus and Michael Petersen were all recognized last weekend at the Sheriff’s office annual appreciation supper at the Stanton VFW. Goeken was recognized for more than 10 years of service to the Sheriff’s office. He recently left the office to become the Beemer Police Chief and will continue to help out as a part-time deputy. Wiebelhaus was recognized for more than ten years of service to the Sheriff’s office as a part-time deputy. Wiebelhaus a former Norfolk P.D. officer has left law enforcement completely to focus on his job with LARM and as a Norfolk city council member. Michael Petersen was awarded a ten year plaque after completion of ten years of continous service to the Sheriff’s office where he continues as a Senior Deputy. Petersen also is completing 20 years with the Nebrska National Guard in the near future and will be retiring from that service. Sheriff Unger stated “All three deputies have been a valuable asset to the Sheriff’s office for many years and we wish those leaving nothing but the best”.